Programme Outcome
The Bachelor of Arts in is a broad- based programme that has specific goals, including: engaging the mind and imagination of those who study history; introducing students to worlds. It provides you with a solid foundation for a carrier in business, government or with the non-profit organization. In this programme you will study how societies, governments, households and individuals create, use, manage and distribute resources.
Course Outcomes
To create interest towards the cultural and historical background of India. It develops the skills including critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretations and synthesizing information's and communication literacy, media and internet literacy, data interpretation and analysis and computer programming. Understand the behaviour of Indian and world economy.
The admission is open to a student who has passed Senior Secondary Examination or an equivalent examination or is placed in compartment in one subject only of the Senior Secondary Examination, provided he/she gets 33% marks in aggregate, including the marks obtained in the Compartment Subject.
Program Duration: 3 Years
Total Number of Seats: 650
Subjects Offered
Compulsory Subjects:
1. -- English (ENG)
2. -- Punjabi (PBC) OR History and Culture of Punjab (HCP)
Elective Subjects: ( Choose any three)
1. -- Economics (ECO)
2. -- Philosophy(PHI)
3. -- Political Science (POL)
4. -- Physical Education/Geography (PED/GEO) [Choose any one out of these two]
5. -- History/Mathematics(HIS/MATH) [Choose any one out of these two]
6. -- Elective English/Elective Hindi/ Elective Punjabi (ENO/HIN/PBI) [Choose any one out of these three]
7. -- Computer Science (CSC)OR English/Hindi/Punjabi (ENO/HIN/PBI) [Choose any one out of these two]
8. -- Computer Science(CSC) OR Philosophy (PHI) OR Music Instrumental(MUI) [Choose any one out of these three]
9. -- Mathematics(MATH)/Political Science(POL) [Choose any one out of these two]